Tuesday, September 15, 2009

wiped out

Gosh! I'm so tired.. I sleep for like 2hrs ++ in the afternoon these days. Homework is scarce, though which is such fantastically fantastic thing to be happening. I seriously can't wait for the raya break to start so i'll get some time off school. Today I had econs for extra-classes after school. It was ok.
I'm happy ( although still tired! don't forget to include the tired part in every sentence...) cuz I managed to do something I never thought i'd be able to get used to fast. I feel great!! ( but tired) Today I came back from school and had piano as usual. I'm learning to play canon in D ( yay! finally) and then I resisted the urge to fall asleep ( cuz i was tired..XD) and did some read-through of todays notes ( yay notes). I wanted to use the use the PC but i resisted that urge too and read the bible and did my churchy homework which was awesome.. ( as i said, the reason i'm happy besides the much-repeated fact that i was tired.)
I finally feel like a weight has been lifted in me ( corny but true.) . It feels great and i'm not repeating the word tired again cuz i'm guessing that your tired of me saying i'm tired ( lame but most probably true..).
well, about it for today. so ( not saying i'm tired), today was gooooooooooooddd!!

Saturday, September 12, 2009

yesterday and today..... heeee~

I was so tired yesterday I decided to write about yesterday today... So basically yesterday I woke up to an empty house..( my mum was out in the office, my dad and bro at the courts) So I made my own breakfast ( ohhh! I'm so proud of myself).. Then at 12 my mum picked me, Ruth, wayne n me bro to the office. We had lunch there( wayne and Ruth were ravenous- esp wayne) and then we made some hilarious( in my opinion) videos... which we watched and rewatched and rewatched....
Then, from there we headed for church. We spent one hour in a room practicing posing since we ( me n leoneee) were supposed to be mof mascotts ( is that how u spell it?)... So we posed, and posed and posed ( and i could fill the whole page with the word posed but I won't for reader's sake)... where somewhere along the way i realised i totally sucked at it and had absolutely no experience in the 3-inch heels ( or wtv) department. It made me walk like a penguin.. (or a deformed duck- depending on how you look at it.. not that I'm saying penuins are deformed ducks... ok that was lame).
Service was good and so was cell group... We left just before it was over to get ready. I was kinda nervous cuz i didn't know how long I'd last standing there.. The posing was really tiring. We had to stand there ( rules: no moving no smliling no laughing.) like statues except i sucked at that too.. I was wobbling and wobbling all the way through.. And there were 'spectators' who waved chewing gum and bao in your face... At first it was really hard not to laugh but then slowly i got used to it.... ( but not the heels, they were killing me...)
We didn't get to the last pose before it was over.. and i laughed ( sort of ) at the pictures ruth took... phew! i finally finished... Now, for today. It's only half over so i don't need to write that much( hooray) Today was ok. ( there! lame but very informative)..

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

well... lets see.. another ordinary day..

School's started already and it's soooo tiring!! Although it was the same people and mostly the same teachers too, I feel like the yr 11 thing is stuffed up my face every second of the day. Every teacher that enters the soom tells us the same thing: you are now a senior of the school! so you have to behave like one! you are no more yr 10! you have o levels and mocks and trials and assessments... blabla blabla.... stressing man, stressing.......the first week was, otherwise ok besides the hw..
Anyway, today was really tiring especially cuz we had extra classes ( and we're going to have them till we graduate...) I came home and almost immediately had piano class ( i thought i was gonna fall asleep while playing). When it was finally over. I decided to IMMEDIATELY get down to bussiness and finish my homework.. ( fat chance of that happening..) I was barely halfway before i fell asleep.. ( i'm so full of deternination, i know)... and by the time i woke up it was 7pm.. where i decided to facebook, blog and think.. ( yeah, you know, of all the things i could be doing..)
well, ( sigh) I can't get 'someone' out of my mind!! ( random change of subject....) ok wtv.... what am i thinking.. myb this blog is dangerous after all... ha! ( ok that was lame...)